What we do

Catalyst is a not-for-profit charity dedicated to the support of young people in our community

We recognise the need to care for and encourage young people in the Tavistock area as they journey through adolescence, which can be a challenging time. We are fuelled by a passion to see young people grow in self-confidence, self-esteem and to reach their full potential. Below are some of the ways in which we build positive relationships with young people in schools and in their communities. You can find out more by visiting our events page

  • Mentoring
    In local primary schools and secondary colleges we have trained Catalyst mentors who support students one to one.
  • Transition Work
    We link with young people in their primary schools to help prepare them for the move to secondary education
  • Detached Youth Work
    Catalyst is active in Tavistock Meadows, Horrabridge Weir park and in Bere Alston Courts, our goal with the detached work is to engage with young people in their local context and to bring about change and support.
  • Support Groups
    We run a number of weekly groups in Tavistock College (years 7-9) to help build self-confidence, self-esteem, independence and to equip young people for everyday life
  • Christian Union
    A weekly gathering of young people in secondary education with a desire to find out more about Christianity
  • Free Tea Friday
    This is where we head into the sixth block at Tavistock college and serve the sixth formers hot chocolate with the plan of supporting the students through acts of kindness.
  • Monday Night Groups
    The team leads weekly groups for secondary students who are ready to explore Christianity and life lessons of the Bible
  • Christian Camps
    We are also looking to take young people to camps where they can build solid friendships and learn more about themselves and their faith.
  • Multi-Agency Support
    Catalyst is active in Tavistock College Multi-Agency Group and the Triage Group, helping with urgent support for students in crisis

Areas that we currently cover

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